Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Art Knowledge is Like a Heavy Meal

When learning new information it is always good to know that sometimes it takes a while to digest new information.

What I mean by this is that lets say you are studying skulls for a day. Now the next day you try and draw a skull and you are not yet any better at it.

Not only does learning how to draw a skull take a long time and much practice but what you also have to realize is that sometimes it takes a while for information that you learn to sink in.

For example, I have spent many hours studying  and drawing the skull, but it seems it is not until a take a small break from it that my brain will actually focus and fully understand the structure of the skull.

You will never know how long it will take to learn something. One day you will be drawing or digital painting and all of sudden realize that you have this knowledge that you didn't have before.

It may take a long time to learn to draw certain things and it may seem like an impossible feat sometimes. But once you have done a drawing that you feel is successful it makes it all worth it.

Keep learning and remember to give yourself a break from it to let the information really click in your mind.

Follow me on Instagram on @iansmiley1 or twitter @iansmileyart for illustrations and a deeper look inside the mind of the Artist Ian Smiley